The Invitation:
To What You've Always
Longed For

A two day gymnasium for the soul designed to explore what it takes to create a productive and meaningful life.
Instead of pursuing happiness
we invite you to explore
a life of meaning...
...and then discover a life of
both happiness and meaning.

You will be invited to exercise:
Managing impact through examining the choices you have made up until now.
Making the best choices available to us
Opening possibilities we never knew were available.
What it means to thrive.
Breaking through limitations such as: blaming, shaming, and complaining.
The power of interpretation on choice and action.
Choosing responsibly instead of reacting to circumstances.
The power of collaborating with others
Generating credibility and learning through Living as your word
Clarify what matters most to you and pursue what is meaningful rather than what is expedient.
Speak what matters most to you as if you had a right to it, at least the same right as others.
Experience yourself as competent, able and even heroic in pursuing it.
Practice treating yourself like someone who matters to you.
Discover how to transform sorrow into wisdom, disappointment into intimacy and despair into possibility.
Free yourself from bitterness, resentment and condemnation where it may exist and regain your power to order the chaos of complexity and release beauty in your business and personal relationships.
Breakthrough to new levels of creativity in the face of seemingly impossible obstacles or circumstances.